Philippians 2:4 (EASY) 4 Do not think only about the things that you want to do for yourself. Each of you should think also about how you can help other people.
Romans 15:1 (EASY) Some of us trust God with strong faith. We must help those believers whose faith is weaker. We must be patient with them. We should not just do things that will make us happy ourselves.
- To make us realize that when we make it our life’s mission to help others, we will receive all the help we need.
- Be a breakthrough and receive a breakthrough.
- Note: Their breakthrough is your breakthrough.
- “It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others succeed” (Naploleon Hill)
- “Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others.
- Unsuccessful people are always asking what is in it for me ?” (Brian Tracey)
- “Help others achieve their dream and you will achieve yours” (Les Brown)
- “You will always get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.” (Zig Ziglar)
Proverbs 11:25 (ICB) A person who gives to others will get richer. Whoever helps others will himself be helped.
- NOTE: The key to unlocking all the help we need is giving others all the help they need.
- STATEMENT: Instead of waiting for the help, be the help.
Deuteronomy 15:10 (CEV) You should be happy to give the poor what they need, because then the Lord will make you successful in everything you do.
- Poor: (ebyon) those in want or needing help,
- NOTE: Every time we are presented with an opportunity to give, meet a need or help others get to their next level success is beings presented to us, let’s not let success keep passing us by. Therefore we should be happy and celebrate moment.
- SUCCESSFUL: Accomplishment of ones goals, dreams and purpose.
Level 1 – Self leadership – join a DG and attend consistently and complete
Holy Warriors Growth Journey.
Level 2 – Lead a DG
Level 3 – Recruit 12 members in your DG
Level 4 – Leader Developer – Developed and launched a DG
Level 5 – Multiple Leader Developer – Developed and launched 3 DGs
Level 6 – Top Leader – Developed and launched 12 leaders in the church
Level 7 – All 12 leaders are Level 4 leaders
Level 8 – Have a leader that has developed and launched 12 groups (have
one level 6 leader)
Level 9 – Develop and launch 144 groups (your 12 have launched 12)
Level 10 – Develop and launch 1,728 groups
- Set a clear goal and time frame to achieve goal.
(Ex. I will launch my own D.G group by April 30th, or in the next 90 days.)
- Meet or communicate with them weekly and ask accountability questions:
What did you do this week to achieve goal? - How many of your action steps to you achieve this week?
- What were the greatest challenges you are facing to get tho the next level?
- Ask growth and accountability questions and allow them to ask questions.
- Review weekly goals/actions steps to achieve 90 day goals.
- Teach weekly Leadership lesson. (Equip and develop their skills to achieve their goals and dreams.)
- Make sure they are doing well spiritually.