1. Pray In
  2. Ask each person which service they watched on Sunday?  9am, 11am, or 1pm?
  3. Go over the lesson (Below)
  4. Ask everyone “What is one thing you learned today?”
  5. Give offering on the app
  6. Encourage P12 Leaders to meet with their group (and remind them to take attendance on Friday)
  7. Ask for prayer requests and pray out


Keys To Family Reconciliation

Many of us carry out ministry in different ways. You may have ministered to someone by meeting their need, encouraging them, or by simply loving someone through your hospitality. Although we may express ministry in different ways, there is one form of ministry that God has called ALL of us to; and that is the ministry of reconciliation.

Reconciliation is the process of two people or groups in a conflict agreeing to make amends or come to a truce.

Would someone like to read 2 Corinthians 5:18?

2 Corinthians 5:18 (NRS) All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation

Question – Describe what reconciliation looks like in your own words.

Reconciliation is not always easy, especially since it involves 2 people needing to overcome a conflict between them.

Here are 3 keys we must live out if we’re going to see reconciliation in our lives…

Key #1) Face The Truth

People have become pros at avoiding the truth, because in order to face the truth, they’d have to take some form of responsibility. But in order to have reconciliation, you have to be willing to accept the truth of the person that is seeking to be reconciled.

Question – Can you name a time in your life where you sought reconciliation and had to tell someone the truth?  How about a time when someone sought reconciliation with you and you had to face their truth?

Would someone like to read?

2 Thessalonians 2:10 (NLT) He will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction, because they refuse to love and accept the truth that would save them.

A common relationship that requires reconciliation for many people is the relationship they have with their father.

Question – How was your relationship with your father?

Ephesians 6:4 (NLT) Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord.

Provoke = to incite or stimulate (a person, animal, etc.) to action.

Here’s an example of what that looks like: A man had a pitbull named Butch. He left Butch alone day after day without giving any discipline or instruction to him. As he got older, he became aggressive in his actions towards the man and others.

If you are not bringing your children up in the Lord, you are provoking them to anger, wrath, malice.

Malice is a desire to inflict injury, harm, or suffering on another, either because of a hostile impulse or out of deep-seated meanness:

Question – Did you struggle with anger growing up? If so, do you think it had anything to do with the way you were brought up?

The second key is…


Key #2) Confess When Confronted

Reconciliation isn’t about who is right or wrong, it’s accepting the view of the person seeking to be reconciled.

Who wants to read the next scripture?

James 5:16a (NLT) Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed,

QUOTE:  “Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone.”  – Mister Rogers

Question – Who do you need to ask to forgive you?

The third and final key is…

Key #3) Forgive When Asked for Forgiveness

The word “forgive” means to send away, to release

When we truly forgive, we overlook the wrong and we don’t hold it against that person any longer.

Who would like to read the next scripture?

“Proverbs 19:11 (NLT) Sensible people control their temper; they earn respect by overlooking wrongs.”

Question – Are there any wrongs that you had to look over recently?

At all times, we must seek Reconciliation with those that we have conflict with. It is only when we forgive that we can begin to see relationships mended again. However, when sin by repaying evil for evil, we divide and destroy families.

Who would like to read our final scripture?

Matthew 6:14 “If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. 15 But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.

Question – Who do you need to forgive?


We are a church of action! As a church, we have come together to stand with our community and our city. Looting and rioting took place in our city a couple weeks ago, but that did not stop us from being the light in a dark time. We were able to do a Prayer walk, clean up graffiti, help businesses owners, and spread God’s love throughout the streets!

How to Give:

1. Open the app and click give.
2. Change the fund to P12
3. Set up your tithe on recurring giving